• 姓名: 刘东旭
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 湖北大学
  • 生命科学学院







1997年 武汉同济医科大学医学 博士学位


2007年 湖北大学生命科学学院 教授, 博士生导师

2007年 湖北省中药生物技术重点实验室学术委员会 学术委员

2007年 湖北省工业生物技术重点实验室 副主任

2007年 湖北省工业生物技术重点实验室学术委员会 学术委员

2006年 武汉理工大学湖北省生物材料工程技术研究中心 兼职教授

2002年 美国哈佛大学医学院 研究员

2001年 美国哈佛大学医学院 博士后研究工作

1998年 美国波士顿大学 博士后研究工作

1996年 北京病毒基因工程国家重点实验室(侯云德院士)研究工作

1997年 中国科学院上海生物化学研究所(李载平院士)研究工作

1997年 中国科学技术协会自然科学论文优秀奖


1.  国家自然科学基金面上项目(31070776):C5a受体介导血管内皮细胞损伤机制的研究,2011.1-2013.12,主持

2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目(30972769):补体调节蛋白质C1抑制物的新功能研究,2010.1-2012.12,主持人

3.  国家自然科学基金国家合作项目(30811130467/C0302):蛋白水解酶系统作为癌症标记和癌症治疗的靶标,2008.09-2011.08,参与

4.  国家教育部回国留学基金(30811130467/C0302):补体调节蛋白质C1抑制物的研究,2008.9-2011.8,主持

5.  美国国立卫生研究院基金NIH-R01(2005-2010):C1 Inhibitor prevents endotoxin shock, 主要参与人

6.  美国国立卫生研究院基金NIH-Phase I(2010-2011):Peptides from preventing sepsis, C1主要参与人


1.  Liu M, Xie M, Jiang S, Liu G, Li L, Liu D, Yang X. (2014) A novel bispecific antibody targeting tumor necrosis factor α and ED-B fibronectin effectively inhibits the progression of established collagen-induce arthritis. Journal of Biotechnology 186, 1.

2.  Yang X, Liu M, Zhang H, Xue B, Shi H, Liu D. (2014) Protein kinase C-δ mediates sepsis-induced activation of complement 5a and urokinase-type plasminogen activator signaling in macrophages. Inflammation Research 63:581.

3.  Yang X, Wang X, Liu D, Yu L, Xue B, Shi H. (2014) Epigenetic regulation of macrophage polarization by DNA methyltransferase 3b. Molecular Endocrinology 28, 565.

4.  Liu M, Huang Y, Hu L, Liu G, Hu X, Liu D, Yang X. (2012) Selective delivery of interleukine-1 receptor antagonist to inflamed joint by albumin fusion. BMC Biotechnology 12, 68.

5.  Liu L, Qin XJ, Liu M, Zhang HM, Cheng ZD, and Liu D *. (2010) Silencing of C5a receptor gene with siRNA for protection from Gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced vascular permeability. Molecular Immunology 47: 1325.

6.  Hua D, Liu MY, Cheng ZD, Qin XJ, Zhang HM, Chen Y, Qin GJ, Liang G, Li JN, Han XF, Liu D*. (2009) Small interfering RNA-directed targeting of Toll-like receptor 4 inhibits human prostate cancer cell invasion, survival, and tumorigenicity. Molecular Immunology 46:2876.

7.  Zhou J, Zhu Y, Cheng M, Dinesh D, Thorne T, Poh KK, Liu D, Botros C, Tang YL, Reisdorph N, Kishore R, Losordo DW, Qin G. (2009) Regulation of vascular contractility and blood pressure by the E2F2 transcription factor. Circulation 120, 1213.

8.  Cheng Z, Liu M, Chen G, Zhang H, Qin G, Liang G, Liu D*. (2008) Anti-vascular permeability of the cleaved reactive center loop within the carboxyl-terminal domain of C1 inhibitor. Molecular Immunology. 45:1743.

9.  Davis AE III, Cai S, Liu D*. (2007) C1 inhibitor: biologic activities that are independent of protease inhibition. Immunobiology. 212:313.

10. Wu Y, Tu X, Lin G*, Xia H, Huang H, Wan J, Fu J, Liu Q, Liang Q, Qin G, Zhang H, Zhang H, Liu D*. (2007) Emodin-mediated protection from acute myocardial infarction in mice via inhibiting inflammation and apoptosis in local ischemic myocardium. Life Sciences 81, 1332.

11. Liu D*, Qin G, Fernandes SM, Li J, and Davis III AE*. (2007) C1 Inhibitor-mediated protection from sepsis. The Journal of Immunology 179, 3966.

12. Zhang H, Li J, Barrington RA, Liang G, Qin G, Liu D*. (2007) An anti-endotoxin peptide that generates from the amino-terminal domain of complement regulatory protein C1 inhibitor. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 359, 285.

13. Zhang H, Qin G, Liang G, Li J, Barrington RA, Liu D*. (2007) Suppression of complement regulatory protein C1 inhibitor in vascular endothelial activation by inhibiting vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 action. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 358:1120.

14. Zhang H, Qin G, Liang G, Li J, Barrington RA, Liu D*. (2007) C5aR-mediated myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 357, 446.

15. Fu J, Lin G*, Zeng B, Wu Z, Wu Y, Chu H, Qin G, Liang G, Li J, Gan X, Yu X, Li C, Liu D*. (2006) Anti-ischemia/reoxygenation of C1 inhibitor in myocardial cell injury via regulation of local myocardial C3 activity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 350, 162.

16. Fu J, Lin G*, Xiang Y, Wu Z, Ceng B, Wu Y, Liang G, Qin G, Li J, Chiu I, Liu D*. (2006) Anti-apoptotic role for C1 inhibitor in ischemia/reperfusion-induced myocardial cell injury. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 349, 504.

17. Liu D, Cramer CC, Scafidi J, and Davis AE III (2005). N-linked glycosylation Asn3 and the positively charged amino acids within the amino terminal domain of C1 inhibitor are required for its interaction of C1 inhibitor with Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium lipopolysaccharide and lipid A. Infection and Immunity 73, 4478.

18. Liu D, Zhang D, Scafidi J, Cramer CC, Wu X, and Davis AE III. (2005) C1 inhibitor protects from lipopolysaccharide-induced vascular permeability. Blood 105, 2350.

19. Davis AE III, Cai S, Liu D. (2004) The biologic role of C1 inhibitor in regulation of vascular permeability and modulation of inflammation. Advances in Immunology 82:331.

20. Liu D, Gu X, Scafidi J, and Davis AE III. (2004) N-linked glycosylation is required for C1 inhibitor-mediated protection from endotoxin shock in mice. Infection and Immunity 74, 1946.

21. Liu D, Cai S, Gu X, Scafidi J, Wu X, and Davis AE III. (2003) C1 Inhibitor prevents endotoxin shock via a direct interaction with lipopolysaccharide. The Journal of Immunology 171, 2594.

22. Liu D, Scafidi J, Prada AE, Zahedi K, and Davis AE III. (2002) Nuclear phosphatases and the proteasome in suppression of STAT1 activity in hepatocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 299, 574.

23. Liu D, Waxman DJ. (2002) Posttranscriptional regulation of hepatic NADPH-P450 reductase by thyroid hormone: independent effect on Poly (A) tail length and mRNA stability. Molecular Pharmacology. 61:108.

24. Li H, Liu D, Waxman DJ. (2001) Transcriptional induction of hepatic P450 reductase by thyroid hormone. Molecular Pharmacology 59, 987.

25. Guo T, Zhang Y, Liu D et al. (1999) Dauricine inhibits redistribution of platelet membrane glycoprotein IV and release of intracellular a-granule thrombospondin induced by thrombin. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 20, 533.

26. Liu D, Shen D, Zou P et al. (1997) Redistribution of platelet membrane glycoprotein IV (CD36) and release of intracellular a-granular thrombospondin in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia, Journal of Tongji Medical University. 17, 21.

27. Liu D, Peng D, Chen R et al. (1995) Chronic pulmonary infection caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae leading to pulmonary arteriole remodeling and pulmonary hypertension in rats. Journal of Tongji Medical University. 15, 223.

28. 张彦周、刘东旭、李欲舒等. (1998) 蝙蝠葛碱对二尖瓣狭窄患者血小板糖蛋白IV再分布的影响. 中国中西医结合杂志. 18:461.

29. 刘东旭、尹华丽、郭涛等. (1998).人血小板生成素cDNA转染COS-7细胞表达产物对小鼠巨核胞的作用. 中国免疫学杂志. 14:172.

30. 刘东旭、郭涛、沈迪.  (1998). 血清病及其类似症. 内科免疫学(临床医学免疫学丛书), 沈迪和邹萍主编. 第一版, 375-381. 湖北科学技术出版社. 1998.12. 湖北武汉 430077 (ISBN 7-5352-2126-2/R.408). (该丛书列为国家九五重点图书出版规划项目和全国高新技术丛书).

31. 刘东旭、尹华丽、吴小林等. (1997) 人血小板生成素转染及表达产物对实验性血小板减少症的治疗作用. 中华医学杂志. 77:834.

32. 刘东旭、沈迪、魏文宁等. (1997) 血小板膜糖蛋白IV再分布的研究. 中华血液学杂 志.18:323.

33. 刘东旭、沈迪. (1997) Fas蛋白的基础和临床. 《国外医学》病理生理学和临床医学分册,17:212.

34. 刘东旭、沈迪. (1996) 输血感染性疾病的检测. JAMA (中文版). 15:133.

35. 刘东旭、沈迪. (1996) 血小板膜糖蛋白IV的基础与临床. 《国外医学》分子生物学分册.18:64.

36. 36.刘东旭、沈迪、邹萍等. (1996) 重组人血小板生成素对巨核细胞-血小板作用的研究. 中国免疫学志.13(suppl.):32.

37. 刘东旭、彭东信、陈茹等. (1996) 长期反复肺炎支原体肺炎感染致肺间质纤维化病理学研究.  同济医科大学报. 25:154.

38. 刘东旭、彭东信、车东媛等.  (1995) 肺炎支原体肺炎动物模型的建立和病理学变化的特征. 同济科大学学报. 24:121.

39. 刘东旭、沈迪. (1995). 血小板糖蛋白IIa/IIIb 复合物分子生物学研究. 《国外医学》分子生物学分册. 17:231.

40. 刘东旭、彭东信. (1994).肺炎支原体肺炎检测的进展. 《国外医学》内科学分册. 21:50.


1.  刘东旭 人源胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白1在毕氏酵母中的诱导表达及纯化方法、相关抗体制备和应用 201210531593.5

2.  刘东旭 抗内毒素短肽在毕氏酵母中的诱导表达方法、表达的抗内毒素短肽及应用  201010585889.6

3.  刘东旭 正常人和哺乳动物不同组织源性原代细胞分离的多酶体系、其用途和相关试剂盒 201010228374.0

4.  刘东旭 病人肿瘤组织源性原代细胞分离的多酶体系、其使用方法、用途和相关试剂盒 201010254756.0

5.  刘东旭 自发性免疫性疾病特异性抗体和相关的自发性免疫性疾病诊断试剂盒 201010169506.7

6.  雷震、刘东旭 一种细胞长期培养保存三维系统及相关的细胞长期培养保存方法 200910194729

7.  Davis AE III and Liu D Methods for treating and preventing sepsis using modified C1 Inhibitor or fragments thereof US2005288218